tisdag 25 november 2008

And the Stars up Above - Chapter 2

March 24th, 1986

“We’ve only just started this band and um… well, it’s just the two of us. And both of us play the guitar so we’re not much of a band. At least not yet; we’re looking for a drummer, a bassist and a singer. Without any luck though, everybody seems to be playing the guitar. We could have a band with like six guitar players now, but that wouldn’t be much of a band either, right?” Mike said to Jason who was walking beside him. They were on their way to Billie Joe’s place and Mike had been going on about Billie Joe and their band since they left the school. Things had gone great during lunch, or at least Jason thought they had. Mike was just as fun as he had thought, and Jason and Billie seemed to get along. Billie hadn’t seemed to mind that Mike had invited someone new to have lunch with them, something Jason had been a bit worried about.
Billie and Mike were supposed to have band practise after school and Mike had invited Jason to come and listen to them. Mike seemed to be very proud of their band, even though it was just him and Billie and the only thing they played so far was covers. Mike just went on and on about the band, failing to notice Jason’s lack of interest.
“Well, Billie has talked about me playing the bass, but I can’t! I mean, I don’t know how to and I don’t own a bass, so I just don’t see how he could even picture me as the bassist. I mean… can you?” Mike turned his head to Jason, waiting for his answer. Jason was looking up in the sky and hadn’t noticed that Mike had asked him a question. Jason felt Mike’s eyes on him so he turned his face to him to see what was up. It looked like Mike wanted him to say something.
“Umm, yeah sure, absolutely!” Jason said, hoping that what ever Mike had said was something he was supposed to agree to. Mike’s face broke into a huge smile.
“Really? You can?” Jason relaxed, he had said the right thing. No wait , Jason turned cold inside,'You can?’, did Mike just say ‘You can?’. Oh no! What if he had asked if I can play the guitar? What to do, what to do? Jason thought hard about how to get out of this mess and therefore missed the rest of what Mike had to say too.
“I would be cool to play the bass actually, a bit different, you know? Everybody plays the guitar but few plays the bass… Yeah, maybe I should switch... Maybe I should…” and Mike turned silent for the first time of the walk. While Mike stated this, Jason came to the conclusion that he should just pretend that he had never agreed to whatever it was he had agreed to.

söndag 23 november 2008

And the Stars up Above - Chapter 1

March 24th, 1986

”Get out of the way! OUT OF THE WAY!” Mike looked around and found the source of the sound just in time to have it running right in to him. He was pushed over, fell backwards and got the other boy over himself. Their heads were smacked together and books and papers were scattered all over the floor.
“I told you to get out of the way” the boy on top of him muttered.
“Get off of me!” Mike growled “Why the fuck where you running like that anyway?” The boy crawled off of him and said casually;
“Oh, no reason…” He looked down the hall nervously “No reason at all…” He bent down and started picking up his stuff but continued looking around. Mike stumbled to his feet a bit dizzy from hitting his head. He was just about to open his mouth and say something sarcastic when the other boy let out a small yelp and jumped in behind Mike, obviously trying to hide from something. Mike looked down the hall and saw what the boy was trying to hide from, and suddenly he realised why the boy had been running. John and his gang were walking down the hall. People automatically jumped out of their way but John didn’t seem to notice them. He was looking straight towards Mike and the boy behind him.
“But Jassy-boy, why are you running from us? We just want to play!” he said as if he was talking to a five year old. The boy behind Mike squealed and hugged the books he’d picked up tightly. Mike felt the anger rise inside of him; he hated those guys. Absolutely hated. They’d never done anything to him though, but they had to Billie Joe, and when somebody hurt Billie they hurt him too, more than they knew. Everything came back to him in a heartbeat; the nicknames, the beating, the destruction of belongings. Nobody should ever have to endure something like that.
“Leave him alone, John” he said surprisingly calm.
“Well if it isn’t Mr. Rescuer. Get out of the way, moron.”
“I said; get out of the fucking way!”
“No.” Mike repeated calmly. “I’m not moving, but you are. Out of this hall and then out of this boy’s life. Got it?” John obviously didn’t get it; he didn’t walk away, he stepped closer.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Mike. Just get out of the way and hand him over.” He nodded towards the boy behind Mike’s back who was looking absolutely terrified. “And we’ll forget that you got yourself involved in this, alright?” They we’re staring into each others eyes, having a speechless battle. Mike wasn’t going to look away.
“John, I think I’m the one to say that I don’t want to hurt you. Remember last time?” Mike raised an eyebrow. “Do you remember that? I’m pretty damn sure that I wasn’t the one who had to go to the nurse that time, now was I?” The determination in John’s eyes slowly disappeared and he hesitated before opening his mouth to answer, his eyes darting from Mike to the boy behind Mike, to his friends, to the rest of the people in the hall and back to Mike again.
“We’ll be leaving for now. My class starts soon.” He turned around and started to walk away but just as the boy behind Mike started to relax he shouted;
“Oh, and Jassy-boy?” he turned around with a pleased smile. “Little Mikey here won’t always be around to protect you, ya know. If I we’re you I’d start watching my back.” And with that he turned around again, walking off with his friends like a tail behind him.

Mike didn’t move until all of them had turned around the corner, then he turned to the boy behind him.
“Are you alright?” he asked, a bit concerned since the boy was still trembling.
“Yeah sure, I’m fine. Absolutely fine…” Mike waited for him to continue, to say thanks or to introduce himself, but it didn’t seem like he was going to.
“So…” Mike said, rather unsure. “My class starts soon so I gotta’ get going.” He picked up the only book from the mess on the floor that was his and started to walk away. Just as he was about to turn around the corner he heard;
“Wait! Hey, Mike, wait up!” the boy came running after him and started walking beside him. “I jus-“
“How do you know my name?” Mike cut him off. The boy looked at him as if he was from another planet.
“‘I don’t want to hurt you, Mike.’” he said, impersonating John extremely well. “I’m not deaf you know, I heard him just as well as you did.”
“You did? Damn, I thought my back was soundproof!” Mike chuckled and the boy smiled. “I guess I just kinda forgot about you since you didn’t say anything…” he continued, and yet again the boy looked at him as if he was from another planet, and Mike was starting to feel stupid.
“What’d you expect me to say? ‘Yeah, get the fuck out of here or I’ll have my new friend of two minutes beat the shit out of you!’ I’m not really sure if that would’ve worked, you know.” Mike laughed, he liked this kid.
“What’s your name, kid?” he asked.
“Jason, and I’m not a kid thank-you-very-much. I’m pretty sure I’m just as old as you are.”
“Oh yeah?” Mike said, not believing him. “Then how old are you, kid?”
“Fourteen.” Jason said, putting Mike into shock.
“What? But so am I!” Jason gave him the ‘I told you so’-look. Actually Mike wasnät fourteen yet, he wouldn’t be until May, but he wasn’t going to tell Jason that he was younger than him. Mike eyed him closely and thought that now that he knew, he could see that Jason was short but that there was something about him that actually made him look about fourteen, though he never would have seen it if he hadn’t known he was.
“So, what class do you have now?” Mike asked.
“You don’t say? Well I better get going or I’ll have detention again.” Jason said, sighted and started to walk away. Mike eyed him closely. This boy was cool, but didn’t seem to have many friends considering the John situation, John only went for those who didn’t have friends or had friends that were likely to leave them. Mike had no idea what John had been thinking of when he decided that Billie Joe was his next victim, but Mike didn’t care, he had made sure that John realised that he had picked the wrong person. Mike would never leave a friend.
He watched Jason as he started moving away from Mike at a faster pace, and Mike quickly made up his mind.
“You can join me for lunch, if you want!”

March 24th, 1986

Jason started walking away from Mike, feeling those blue eyes burning in his back. He wanted to stay, he wanted to continue to talk to Mike, but something was stopping him. He thought about going back there and just continue from before the “I better get going”. But he didn’t. He couldn’t. He’d seem like a complete moron, wouldn’t he? Besides, he would never be able to be late to a class, he never had, and he had never had detention. He had lied to Mike, to seem cooler. Not that Jason considered detention a cool thing; he was ‘a good boy’, as his mum always used to say. But that didn’t mean that Mike didn’t think it was.
He continued to walk, making sure that his life continued the same way it always had; he being a sap without any friends. Great, he thought as he felt his heart sink, I could just have made a new friend and I blew it. Fan-fucking-tastic. Just as he was about to mentally kick himself he heard Mike’s voice behind him.
“You can join me for lunch, if you want!” Jason stopped in his tracks. His heart started beating faster as he turned around. He could feel a huge smile appearing on his lips, he did the best he could to hide it, to avoid looking like a lunatic. He failed. Completely.
He felt like he had just won a million on the lottery, or like he had saved the world!Or like Mike just saved the world….

And the Stars up Above-introduction

And the Stars up Above is a Green Day fan fiction. It’ll take place in their early days, from 1986 to 1992. I know that there will be people who don’t know Green Day who’ll read this, so I’m going to give people the basic information. For you who already know this, skip to “This story will be about…”

Billie Joe Armstrong is the singer and the guitarist in Green Day. He was born February 17th, 1972 and he is the youngest child of six. His father died of cancer when he was 10, leaving his mother alone to support the family, which wasn’t easy since she was a waitress. Billie Joe met Michel Pritchard, also known as Mike Dirnt, in the school cafeteria at the age of ten. Mike and Billie Joe became best friends and later formed the band Sweet Children which eventually would become Green Day. Mike plays the bass and does back up vocals in the band.
Mike was born May 4th, 1972. His biological mother was a heroin addict so Mike was put up for adoption. He was adopted by a Native American and her husband, but they divorced when Mike was only seven. When Mike was in fourth or fifth grade a new guy moved in with him and his mum, he had never met him before but all the sudden he was Mike’s stepfather. Mike and his stepfather didn’t get along for years, but when his mum had to move away from Berkeley and Mike didn’t want to go with her, he and his stepfather got really close. Mike stayed in Berkeley with his stepfather.
Jason Relva was Mike’s best friend when they were younger. All you Green Day fans probably already know what happens, but for you who do not know; you find out. The story will probably be a lot more exciting if you don’t know what happens to Jason.
John Kiffmeyer/Al Sobrante was Green Day’s first drummer.
Tré Cool plays the drums in Green Day. He was born December 9th, 1972.

This story will mainly be about Jason’s, Mike’s and Billie Joe’s relationship, the birth of a band and what happens in their lives. It’s a story about people, it’s a story about dreams, it’s a story about playing music, but above all it’s a story about everlasting friendship.

[Disclaimer: I do not own Green Day (Do really think I would have time for this kind of stuff if I did?) or the songlyrics in the story. Those are the property of Green Day. This is purely fan made and I make no money on this whatsoever. Please do not sue me.]

lördag 15 november 2008

Svart korp, svart panter

Det är mörkt, hon bryr sig inte om att tända. Hon har alltid älskat mörkret. En fåtölj, insvept i mörkret. Det går inte att avgöra vilken färg den är. Hon sitter hopkurad i den, likt en korp på en telefontråd. Inkilad mellan hennes armar ligger något svart. Hon gör ingenting, hon bara sitter, försjunken i tankar. Till slut lyfter hon omfamningen om det svarta, lägger det försiktigt i sitt knä och börjar klappa det stilla. Det är en svart gosedjurspanter. Dess svarta päls har mist sin glans och stoppningen ligger främst i benen, som om den blivit kramad allt för ofta och hårt. Dess ögon gnistrar klargrönt, de är det enda man kan urskilja ordentligt i mörkret.
”Jag hatar henne, Lucifer.” säger flickan. Hon stirrar ut i luften, sedan ner på pantern.
”Hon tror att hon är så vacker med sitt långa hår och sina fina kläder. Men hon är ful.” Hon klappar pantern häftigare nu. Hennes röststyrka stiger allt mer.
”Det är bara jag som ser det. Alla andra tycker att hon är så vacker och fantastisk. Det är bara jag som ser vad hon egentligen är; en häxa!” En av hennes bleka händer kramar hårt om panterns rygg. Långt brunt hår har smitit från sin plats bakom hennes öron och förblindar henne. En snabb, svepande gest och håret är på plats igen.
”Men jag har en plan.” Hon ler.
”Jag vet vad jag ska göra för att få de andra att se. Och jag vet vad jag ska göra för att bli den vackraste igen.” Hennes hand klappar återigen pantern stilla.
”Jag ska ta ifrån henne det vackra håret, Lucifer.” Hon ser på pantern, ser den i ögonen. De gnistrar klargrönt mot henne. Hon lyfter pantern och gnider den mot sin kind.
”Vill du hjälpa mig, Lucifer? Va, vill du det?” viskar hon i dens öra. Hon lägger ner den i sitt knä igen.
”Vill du veta hur jag ska göra, Lucifer?” Inget svar.
”Hon försöker alltid ställa sig in hos mig, den dumma häxan. Men jag ser igenom det. Men nu ska jag, bara för en dag, låtsas tycka om henne. Jag ska lura in henne i ett tomt klassrum genom att säga att vi ska leka där, bara vi två.” Hon ser upp och ser ut som om hon just kom på något mycket roligt.
”Och det ska vi också.” säger hon förnöjt.
”Vi ska leka ’klippa av det långa, vackra håret-leken’.” Hon drar sakta naglarna över pantern, sedan drar hon fingrarna genom sitt eget hår.
”När vi är där inne ska jag be henne sätta sig ner på en stol och blunda, för jag har en överraskning år henne… och det har jag också!” Hon verkar omåttligt glad över detta.
”Sedan ska jag ta några av hopprepen som alltid ligger i klassrummen. Jag ska binda henne, Lucifer, hårt, så att hon inte kommer loss. Hon kommer inte att skrika, i alla fall inte på en gång. Hon är för söt och snäll för det. Däremot kommer hon att undra vad jag gör, men då säger jag bara att det ingår i överraskningen. Sedan sätter jag en strumpa i munnen på henne så att hon inte kan prata. Det har jag sett på tv att man ska göra.” förklarar hon för pantern, med all den pedagogik en sjuåring kan uppbåda.
”Jag hoppas det finns vattenfärg i klassrummet.” säger hon, den här gången inte till någon särskild.
”Om det gör det ska jag måla på henne också.” Hon har åter vänt sig till pantern.
”I håret, i hennes ansikte och på kläderna.” Hon ler lyckligt och verkar se synen framför sig. Men så rynkar hon plötsligt på näsan och ser fundersam ut.
”Men håret ska jag ju klippa av, då spelar det ju ingen roll om jag har målat i det…” Hon tystnar, men så plötsligt släpper spänningarna i hennes ansikte och hon ser åter nöjd ut.
”Jag lämnar kvar en kort, ful pojkfrisyr och sedan målar jag på den!” säger hon förtjust. Hon ser oerhört stolt ut över att ha kommit på något så finurligt.
”Med saxen kan jag klippa hål i hennes kläder också!” utbrister hon efter att hon riktigt gottat sig i sin egen finurlighet.
”Hon kommer aldrig vilja visa sig igen! Då blir jag vackrast och alla kommer att inse vilken häxa hon var. De kommer att tycka så mycket om mig för att jag fick bort henne!” Hon nästan hoppar av förtjusning i fåtöljen nu. Hon skakar upprymt pantern.
”Eller hur, Lucifer? Eller hur?” Hon ser in i panterns ögon igen. De gnistrar fortfarande gröna, ännu mer nu, men de gnistrar inte på ett bra sätt. De ser väldigt arga ut. Flickan spärrar upp ögonen och verkar skuldmedveten men hennes röst är stark och självsäker när hon talar;
”Vad?” säger hon trotsigt. Panterns ögon gnistrar.
”Nej, det är inte snällt.” säger pantern.